Being empathic is hard yet so beautiful, so rewarding.  I used to be around people all day, feeling what they were feeling, then get home at the end of the day wondering why I am so drained of energy. I thought it was something natural that happened to everybody. It wasn’t until a lot later that I sat down with myself and did some research, but, to be honest, I am not 100% sure if being aware of it has made any difference. It clearly hasn’t changed the fact that I cry my eyes out whenever I watch movies or listen to the lyrics of a song, or see somebody in pain.

Having worked on this website for so long, I have managed to learn to cope with this blessing (or curse) and it has made me realize we are all struggling with something. There are so many people who are hurting both here and in the outside world who have absolutely no one to talk to, no moral support whatsoever and furthermore, their closest and dearest ones don’t even know their son/daughter/mother/father is hurting.

I understand some people don’t feel as deeply as others. I understand some of us are more rational and grounded than others, but that should not be, under no circumstances, an excuse not to try to put ourselves in somebody else’s shoes and show kindness towards them. Most of us will try to convince, not only ourselves, but others as well that we have everything under control but how many of us actually believe that? Can we really cope with all the stress in our lives on our own?
I always thought I could…But it was in my darkest times when I wish I had opened up to somebody and put all my trust and love at stake without really worrying whether they will try to use it against me or not. I wish I had known what I know now, which is suppressing negative emotions can do you no good. They will eat you alive if you don’t love yourself enough to deal with them and to receive help when it is needed.

I know It is a hard pill to swallow, especially in a world where you are encouraged to hide your feelings, your pain and your emotions because they are supposedly considered a sign of weakness. Is it really? I think it’s a sign of courage. What do you think?

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