Congrats. You’re part of the reason why this industry is misunderstood. You’re part of the reason why some men objectify you and to some extent might even hate you.

Why would you take advantage of someone who has potentially fallen  in love with you because of the lies you have been telling and the illusion you have been selling? I know why. One of your main purposes in life is to rip people off, especially men. That is only possible because they believe you are who you say you are. Yes, you sound very convincing when you use your feminine charm and take advantage of the so called  pussy power. You have learned that it is an easy tool you can use to manipulate men in getting what you want. However, there is a very big discrepancy between what you want and what you deserve.

I believe in karma. I believe you reap what you sow. Whatever you do in life eventually comes back to you. Fool them once, jokes on you because you will get it back. But it’s not just about you. It’s also about these people that you are exploiting and whose life you might be ruining by  making them not ever trust women again, neither here or in real life.
You can still pay your bills without doing all that. Those who appreciate you will support you and those who don’t shouldn’t matter. Just wish them well and move on with your life. It costs 0$ to be a decent person. It cost nothing to be a decent model.

If all you care about in this industry is money then you are missing out on the freedom and independence it offers. You’re not actually enjoying yourself, and if you’re not enjoying yourself then why are you doing it to begin with?

I only wrote this post because of a recent documentary I have watched. I had no clue what some models are capable of and how far they are willing to go for some cash. It makes me sick to my stomach that some guys have lost everything for a nothing.

I’d definitely say both models and members have to be careful who they trust in this  industry and should try to avoid situations like this for the sake of one another. Isn’t there enough hatred between genders outside the cyberspace? Do we really have to add to it  and make it worse  instead of using camming as an opportunity to feel empowered and accept our sexuality as it is? And to just enjoy ourselves and have fun because that is what it comes down to…

But yeah, maybe that’s just me. Maybe I live in a fantasy world, a little bubble that doesn’t let me face and accept reality.

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