I have so many reasons to love it, yet so many to hate it.

 I get to be my own boss and make my own rules as I go. I get to have a really good time, laugh, drink, cum and learn. I get to meet such interesting people. I get to be creative and entertain. I receive so much support and good vibes from beautiful souls.

But I also get a lot of hatred. I get to experience frustration, sadness and anger. I get shit and negativity from total strangers. I get judged and misunderstood for things that sometimes are out of my control.

It has taught me a lot about people. It has taught me that people can be kind and loving, honest and pure. But, at the same time, it has taught me they can be horrible, treacherous, fake.

It has helped me discover things I did not know about myself that I really like. Oh, but it has revealed to me the dark side that I didn’t even know I have.

It has changed my life for the better yet it made it so much more complicated.

It has made me feel secure at times yet extremely insecure at others.

I am full of contradictions but man, this industry is a paradox. 

I want to thank you all for the feedback on this blog, but most importantly I want to thank you for reading it. I didn’t think anyone would pay much attention to it. I am using this opportunity to ask you for ideas for future posts. The purpose of this blog is to entertain and shed some light on the industry at the same time. I am very happy to write about anything you guys want so please send your ideas into an MFC mail or PM and I will take it into consideration.

Thank you.

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