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For quite a long time I was fascinated by literature about psychology. One day, when a vitamin pill dropped out of my hands, the thought came to me that this was a subconscious reluctance :)
 After that I decided to unload my brain and take up a mystical novel about Satan.

 Maria Corelli "Sorrows of Satan".

 I liked this book. I would probably give it 7 out of 10. I was literally drawn in and finished it in less than a week. Especially I liked Satan as a character of this book. We are used to thinking that he is pure evil, who makes fun of people and enjoys when they sin.
This is not the case here.
 For one soul that has atoned for its sins, Satan receives one hour of blessing and becomes free. In general, he becomes something like an angel or a liberated soul ... Satan wants people to finally atone for their sins and came to God.
 He comes to the sinner in the form of an ideal person. Satan works with each individual and uses different forms for each sinner. He does not force anyone to sin and does not control anyone's actions. Lucifer excites people's secret, sinful desires and helps at the right moment.
 It seems to me that the philosophy of this book is that you need to live from a pure heart, and not follow the path of a cold mind. Do not lose humanity. There is too much greed, cruelty and violence in this world. In other words, too many sinners. No one can escape from hellish punishment!
So behave, friends :)
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