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It was something incredibly cool. I really enjoyed it! Super clean air, very beautiful, amazing nature. You walk, breathe, look at all this. We wore something like shit-pressors on our feet, looks a bit like flippers. You have to wear them because it is easy to fall into the swamp. One of the rules was: do not stand still and do not walk on green grass, because it is ... swamp :) You can walk on brown or yellow grass but not green. The ground is super soft, there were a lot of mosquitoes, but we survived :) I even went swimming, although I didn't like it... You float in an incomprehensible black substance, you can't see anything under you and something grabs your legs! It was very uncomfortable, I was screaming out all the swear words I know lol It was cringy, I think everyone laughed at me, because they all was ok after that... But overall, everything was great! Unique experience and a lot of new impressions :)
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