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Hello friend! Welcome to my share page ^^ I hope this going to make us closer to each other and we both will enjoy this experience ;)

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To say that I like my new apartment is to say nothing! I love my fortress :) There is so much sunlight and space for creativity. Falling asleep in my new bedroom, on my new bed, I want to pinch myself to check if this is really happening to me. I pinch my nipple, get excited, start touching myself and after an orgasm I realize that all this is not a dream :) 
I have already tested my cool new bathtub. It is a pleasure to lie in it relaxed when your inner dialogue turned off. 
I also got a new tattoo on my arm. Tell me in comments how do u like it or not. And about my new place too. Let's make this dungeon more fun ^^
The only thing that marred this solemn moment of my life was the lack of internet and problems with its connection :( Everything turned out to be quite difficult to organize, and the provider itself really doesn’t want to rush to connect me to the world wide web. I’ll have to wait until Wednesday... The inability to stream and live in the usual rhythm really upsets me...
I'm going to upload some nice content for u :) Would be happy if u unlock it. Pleasure for you, and a little support for me, while I'm in such situation...
Let’s not get lost :) Kisses and hugs to all
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