Just my thoughts...
Nothing unusual or special, just my reasoning and views on different things...
There is very little left before the New Year... ๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ„

I think that everyone expects that this year will be better than the previous one... I sincerely wish everyone good health, success and happiness!๐ŸŽˆ

Friends, do not lose me! I'm sick, I have a fever... if you don't see me in these couple of days, don't worry, see you in early January!

I stay in touch in messengers! New content coming soon on MFC SHARE and SNAP.

All the best to everyone!๐Ÿ’•
Christmas is often associated with a miracle and the fulfillment of all desires!

I believe in miracles! I know that wishes come true! I am especially grateful to the people here who are close to me! ๐Ÿ’—
Thank you very much to my Biggest Santa!!! ๐ŸŽ„ You always support me and expect nothing in return! Like a real magician!

I wish everyone a happy celebration and find what you asked for under the Christmas tree!

It's a pity that people often do good deeds only on the eve of the holidays... how great it would be if it became a daily routine: goodness, miracles, joy and gratuitous donation of something light and bright... Then it would be multiplied and returned with more more energy...

I believe in the power of energy, so I also become a Snow Maiden for someone ... I just want to know that this evening someone felt less sad and less hurt ...

Hurry up to do good deeds not for thanks, but just like that! And you will be happy! This is the meaning of Christmas!

Wishing you all good health, happiness and great success in the New Year!
Hello everybody!ย 

I've been here for exactly two years, and in that time I've grown and changed in so many ways!
I always try to be respectful and polite to you and I ask you to do the same with me.

Don't forget the rules in my room (https://share.myfreecams.com/s/1qba4ums).

I reserve the right, at any time, to remove anyone from my SnapChat, WA and MFC friends list at any time if I feel uncomfortable for any reason. Tips for these items will NOT be refunded for any removal of this nature.
I have the right to remove all content that you have saved in your Snap.ย 

In addition, no one canceled the mutual responsibility: if one of you acted inappropriately towards me, everyone will be punished (the content will be deleted from all my friends in the snap). Maybe it will teach you to respect each other if you don't respect me!

I give my snap as a gift to the guys who have been kind and generous to me, but this is a promotion for two weeks! So you can understand what kind of content I have. After two weeks, I remove you from my friends list. I think this is more than fair.

I have blocked more guys here in the past three months than I have in my entire time on the site. Not because there are more "bad" guys, no, it's just that you taught me not to be soft and not to endure what I never liked. Now - reap the rewards!ย 

There is no way to get out of my ban - it's forever. It doesn't matter to me how many tokens you give me later "from there" - there is NO return!!!

Once again I ask you to be polite and well-mannered people. Don't make me turn myself into an evil bore!!! I love you all, as usual!
Hello everyone!

While I could not work due to life circumstances, I received various messages in the email here - on the site ... Some of the letters are from people whom I do not know at all.

Believe me, I have an excellent memory and I remember everyone I have ever talked to here even once. I remember everyone's stories. I don't remember on purpose, it's just how my memory works...

It amuses me when you sign your letters "your boyfriend" or "your husband", promising me mountains of gold and various benefits! At the same time, you have never done anything for me except tapping your fingers on the keyboard - I'm talking about letters ...

I'm not a bitch! I answer even such letters, because I understand that someone's life is behind this ... But I don't want to do this anymore!

Behind all these words, compliments, promises - there is nothing... I appreciate deeds!!! I believe in action!!!

There are gentlemen here who do not promise me anything, who do not shout to me about their noble deeds! I understand with surprise and great gratitude how lucky I am to have them in my life... Heroes... silent Knights... Ordinary guys with their lives... They don't scream, they just do...

I am a butterfly... and I fly into the light of flashes big and small... I don't fly to the sound... I don't hear anymore... Appreciate my and your time... empty words are nothing...
Friends, I won't be here for a while... I'm moving again!...

I stay in touch in messengers! I will answer as usual, as far as possible!๐Ÿ™

I give you an installation for good, happiness and positive!๐Ÿ˜Š

Do not set limits for yourself and expand your horizons! Life is Beautiful and Amazing!
I am the person who has checked this many times! Nothing is impossible, the power of our thoughts can work wonders! The main thing is to think good and light!โœจ

Thanks to everyone who supports me! I think that sometimes you don't even understand how valuable and important it is for me!๐Ÿ’—

I don't play here, I live here... Good luck everyone! Your foxie!๐ŸฆŠ
We live in different time zones, it's nice to wake up and check messengers... there are warm words with wishes, interesting events for your past day, tempting videos!

I stay in touch with you! I feel an invisible thread that connects us! And it's stupid to think that distance can spoil it...

The boundaries are erased if we are ready to show care and participation in a person's life, to share not only happy, but also sad moments...

I don't have many real and true friends here... But I know you all by name, not because my memory is brilliant, but because you are important to me!๐Ÿ™

If you, reading this, understand that I am talking about you, just smile and mentally touch my cheek - I will feel it, despite the distance! Because no one can cancel the power of thought and collective consciousness!๐Ÿ’ฅ

I think of you, your Foxie!๐ŸฆŠ
Guys, thanks to those who were in touch with me during my trip.ย 

I won't go into details, but it was a difficult event for me: mentally and physically...ย 

And currently I'm solving some problems, so I'm not often online.ย 

But I stay in touch in messengers and on MFC Share there is an opportunity to be with me at least emotionally!

All the best, with love, Foxie
This summer will soon be over, but everyone still has the opportunity to enjoy the warm days!๐Ÿ’ฅ

I will be away for about two weeks, some people I will miss very much!.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

At your disposal, as always, my clubs - with videos and pictures! If you miss me, then this will definitely help you!๐Ÿฅฐ

I will be there with almost no internet: mountainous area... so don't lose me if I don't answer you...

I will be grateful and respectful to everyone for supporting me offline, as you all know, this has a positive effect on CamScore!๐Ÿ™

Peace and goodness to all! Sincerely, Foxie! ๐ŸฆŠ
There are surprises every day!

And I just laugh out loud because I don't want to cry anymore! The limit of tears has been exhausted for several years to come!

Guys, if you promised something to yourself (not to me, dont care about me!) - keep your word!

I ask you to be consistent and, if possible, wise, courageous and worthy! Is it that hard?...
For those who have told me many times that they will not come to me again - why do you come? Why do you checkย  me? Why do you send emails, why do you open me in tabs?

Accusing me of lying, cheating, dishonesty (or whatever) without proof doesn't humiliate me, it humiliates you.

If I am what you think, just leave me alone, forget about me! There are many others - beautiful and smart, everyone will find it to their taste!

If it's so hard to refuse me - my doors are open, I make compromises with you if it doesn't humiliate me as a person! But for some things there is a lifetime ban, please remember this too.

Trust is hard to earn but easy to lose. Like your authority.

This message is not addressed to one person, it is a collective speech for some guys, but I think that it will be useful to other people as well.

Thank you for your attention! I typed a lot of words... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

ย  ย  ย For me, the most important thing is kindness, honesty and politeness! My attitude towards people is unchanged, I always look for the good in everyone, even when there is almost none...
ย  ย  ย It is my nature to treat people with respect and reverence, learn about their health and news, support them when they are sick or upset...ย 
ย  ย ย 
ย  ย  ย  Treat broken wings and set them free...
ย  ย  ย 
ย  ย  ย  What was my surprise when I realized that people do not need it ...

ย  ย  ย Thank you all for the life lessons! I will try to change... And I will no longer worry and think about everyone, as it was before. I have my own worries and problems.

ย  ย  ย But one thing will remain unchanged: I have never treated people here like wallets...