Hello everyone!

While I could not work due to life circumstances, I received various messages in the email here - on the site ... Some of the letters are from people whom I do not know at all.

Believe me, I have an excellent memory and I remember everyone I have ever talked to here even once. I remember everyone's stories. I don't remember on purpose, it's just how my memory works...

It amuses me when you sign your letters "your boyfriend" or "your husband", promising me mountains of gold and various benefits! At the same time, you have never done anything for me except tapping your fingers on the keyboard - I'm talking about letters ...

I'm not a bitch! I answer even such letters, because I understand that someone's life is behind this ... But I don't want to do this anymore!

Behind all these words, compliments, promises - there is nothing... I appreciate deeds!!! I believe in action!!!

There are gentlemen here who do not promise me anything, who do not shout to me about their noble deeds! I understand with surprise and great gratitude how lucky I am to have them in my life... Heroes... silent Knights... Ordinary guys with their lives... They don't scream, they just do...

I am a butterfly... and I fly into the light of flashes big and small... I don't fly to the sound... I don't hear anymore... Appreciate my and your time... empty words are nothing...