Just my thoughts...
Nothing unusual or special, just my reasoning and views on different things...
     This spring was incredibly difficult for me, I am grateful to those who were emotionally close and supported me! I really had a lot going on... I haven't cried in so long since I did this spring...

     But summer came, I was far from the city and all the worries and problems. I spent a wonderful 8 days alone with nature... only air, water, fire, earth and forest... I returned whole and healed with a slight tan!

     I celebrated another birthday! Thank you all for your congratulations and participation in my life! I appreciate people who are strong and close to me in spirit! I always respect the individual, not the faceless crowd! I value quality over quantity!

Thanks to those who disappeared, but then returned! Thanks to all the new acquaintances! Thanks to those who shared with me not only the bright days and fun, but also my gray, long, problematic everyday life... I really appreciate it!
Since February, troubles have been pouring in on me like from a cornucopia... I don’t have time to solve and deal with one problem, when others immediately appear...

Those who know me well will say that I am not one of those who complain about life...

But with each new situation it becomes more difficult for me, because all this affects not only me, but also those whom I support...

I want to thank everyone who stays in touch with me! who supports me, who shares these difficulties with me... as I have said many times, everything tends to end... both good and bad...

If I offended anyone or hurt your feelings, I sincerely apologize.

I'm riding a roller coaster again and with great trepidation and with a sinking heart I'm waiting for the next rise... I no longer have the strength to roll down... my health leaves much to be desired... and I have my first gray hair...

all the best and health!
     My God, you know, you are so often correct... 

     I don't always hear you and listen to you, but I truly appreciate it when you take me in your arms and carry me through difficult times...

     I appreciate you for not wanting to control me, where I am, what I'm doing now and what I'll do today...

     You guard my sleep and take care of my health...

     You listen to my stories and always remember what we are talking about...

     You don’t step on my throat and don’t drown me with reproaches or discontent, you don’t demand more from me than I can (and want) to give...

     You don't like it when I cry, but you always let me do it... And my two smiles always make you happy...

     I know your opinion about me... I value you very much! I will always be grateful for all your words, supported by actions!💖

     P.S. You will understand the title of this note like no one else...

     For many, the time before Christmas and New Year is an amazing and wonderful time!
Despite the rush and preparation for the holidays, we are all waiting for something...

     I want to wish everyone good health and great luck in the coming new year!

     Always stay true to your word! Don't swim shallow - conquer the oceans! And if you dream, dream big!!! Only from the bottom of your heart and sincerely - then Saint Nicholas (or another in the guise of God) will help you realize your plans and make your dreams come true! 🎄🎁✨
     When you can't fight and are tired of swimming against the flow of the river, just relax and trust the flow... While the river carries you, accumulate energy and gain strength.
     The river itself will take you where you need to go... on the shore you will look around and decide in which direction to move next...
     The conclusion is simple: if you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it.
     When you wait for something for a very long time, but it doesn’t come... days and weeks, months and years pass... faith weakens and resembles a thin thread that can break at any moment...
     Stay true to yourself! Don't be afraid to be who you are... There will be people who will see your inner light, because your firefly is always in you, even when you are lost and broken...
     I want to express words of gratitude and respect to everyone who supports me and believes in my light! 
     Guys, thank you all for your help: small and large! Tokens are a good thing for any model... but I appreciate the message with which you do it more - if it is more for my happiness than for yours! It is then that I will bring this happiness into the world, and I will be able to make someone else happy!
     There are a few people who really think about me, who care about how my day is going, what I did and how I feel...
     My God, if you are reading this, know that no matter what happens in your or my life, we were stuck on that shelf, in that store a couple of years ago... Keep inspiring me!!!! I promise to turn your black sky into clear turquoise light!
     I don't want to be a mistake, but sometimes it happens that without clearing old data, we install something new... If you are my system Error, I will not fix anything!
     And if you are for no one, I don’t pretend either! I appreciate the moment and us in the moment...
     I also hope that your Glok never shoots at me... and you will always be there to show me the fog along the road to your work...

Guys, take care of yourselves!💖 Always your Foxie!🦊

     Hello everyone!
     I do not hide my disposition and my character - I am a strong and self-sufficient person! I know my worth! I will not name my IQ level, but those who communicate closely with me know how smart and wise I am. This is not only part of heredity, but also daily work on oneself.
     I don't have to respond to some people's attacks! It’s easier for me to smile and remain silent! Just stop begging for free PMs - if it’s difficult for you to pay for only 88 tokens (or join through the Friends Club - Foxie's friends - https://share.myfreecams.com/m/sjtv4d7v and get bonus pictures).
     Calling me a bitch or other dissonant words only confirms that I am right! And it shows your pathetic essence!
     I don't like to brag about my actions, but this job helps pay more than just my personal bills. This work helps me make this world a little better. I try to do charity work and help those who need help. It's unlikely that a bitch would do that. If anyone is interested, I can tell you more about it. I value the life and health of not only people, but also our smaller brothers - animals.
     For all those who do not understand me well or do not hear me when I talk about the same thing - my ban is always open in only one direction! Welcome! There is no way back! I didn’t regret a single person I sent there.
     I respect decent people: strong, wise, striving to get out of their comfort zone and living life not only for themselves. If you're not like that, just don't come to my room.
     Yes, and I get most of the money from this site not for “jerking off”, but because my flexible mind and strong spirit are valued! Thanks to those guys who respect this! 💖
When I create, I am overwhelmed by the desire to see the end result, but I enjoy the process ... I don’t notice how my fingers and face get dirty with paint ... it then gives me a lot of joy and laughter when I look at myself in the mirror!

I had a desire to start working in a graphic style again and use only simple pencils. I want to start a series of sketches, as it was before (some of the works are in the Lucky Club).

I want to express my gratitude to those people who cheer me up and help me keep creating! I really appreciate your help and participation in the process of my creativity! 🙏

I will not claim that I am the best artist on MFC... I find such statements ridiculous, but I am always impressed by the self-esteem of such people ( "best tits on MFC", "best legs on MFC", "best dancer on MFC", "best artist on MFC" etc.). 😊 
All models, you are all beautiful and wonderful, each in their own way!

I believe that every person is talented and unique in some way! About myself, I will say that I am the simplest girl who lives her life and tries to do what she likes! 💖

My God, if you're reading this, I know you're smiling right now! 
"And in the dark I see your smile!" (с) 
I will never be able to express all my gratitude and appreciation to you! Please always hold my hand! For me it is very important and valuable!💕
     I haven't published anything here for a long time... I thought that everyone understood everything and learned to be, if not polite, then tolerant.

     But I again hear echoes of what happened to me in the past ...

     Guys, stop complaining about your troubles in life, and then leave me and have fun (and spend tokens) in other rooms. If you feel so good there, then put your problems in the ears of those models with whom you have a good time and give them your tokens (but I don't think they will want to listen to you).
     Leave me alone (with all your "shit", I have enough "shit" in my life). I am not your personal psychologist, I am not your mother (wife) or girlfriend.

     I am ready to listen to you with great attention and participation - IN TRUE PRIVATE!!!!!

     You can tell me about all your problems (which you already do), but you need to pay for my time, my support and sympathy or participation.

     This is my place of work. If you want my attention and my special treatment, I expect the same from you. It doesn't matter what you expect from me - show or communication (both require my time and my energy). Communication requires more energy, time and other resources from me. I don't understand why you don't understand this.

     From now on, I will listen to all your complaints about the vicissitudes of fate (depression, suicide attempts, drugs, alcohol, gambling, divorces and communication with exes, problems with children, problems at work, health problems, etc.) only in TRUE PRIVATE. 
     Either I ban you - I'm already tired of "treating" you for free. I can do shows, believe me, it’s much easier to fuck myrself with a dildo (while getting at least some tokens) than to give you my energy, strength and knowledge (I remind you that I have a higher psychological education, before the pandemic I worked as a clinical psychologist) and get nothing but a waste of my time...

     Stay Gentlemen guys! You do not like the fact that you are men - and come eat my time and my strength (I remind you that I am just an ordinary girl who, like everyone else, has her own life, her own problems, but I do not shout it in your face).

     Want to fuck my body and have fun - welcome! For some reason, you pay more willingly for the show. 
     But at the same time, you demand special attention to yourself - after all, you have PROBLEMS OF SUCH A SCALE ... I will not let anyone else fuck my brain for free.

     If this publication does not bring due success - I will close all PM / in public chat I will ignore such messages without tokens.

     Yes, I'm angry now and I'm annoyed. "Thanks" to some people for this.
Winter is always a severe test for me, especially here in Siberia - with deep and long frosts... It's often hard for me to breathe here... but with every breath comes relief...

Tomorrow the calendar spring will come, and the real one will come here no earlier than mid-April ... But I am so glad that this February is over, this month was very difficult and the longest for me, despite the shortest period of days - there are only 28 of them in this year...

I repeat once again: value your life and take care of your health! Everything else is such trifles, all this is passing ... Live today and now! Love and create - this is the meaning of being and this is the secret of all secrets!

I'm not wise, I just love life and am grateful for everything I have. Sincerely, Foxie🦊