This spring was incredibly difficult for me, I am grateful to those who were emotionally close and supported me! I really had a lot going on... I haven't cried in so long since I did this spring...

     But summer came, I was far from the city and all the worries and problems. I spent a wonderful 8 days alone with nature... only air, water, fire, earth and forest... I returned whole and healed with a slight tan!

     I celebrated another birthday! Thank you all for your congratulations and participation in my life! I appreciate people who are strong and close to me in spirit! I always respect the individual, not the faceless crowd! I value quality over quantity!

Thanks to those who disappeared, but then returned! Thanks to all the new acquaintances! Thanks to those who shared with me not only the bright days and fun, but also my gray, long, problematic everyday life... I really appreciate it!