Just my thoughts...
Nothing unusual or special, just my reasoning and views on different things...
     Guys, let's be honest, if you turned to a psychologist for help, you would pay him / her.

     Working here for me in the first place - it's still mostly show, performance and fun! And every time I say that I prefer to fuck my body here, and not my soul.
     But people often come to me who want to “pour out” their souls, complain about the vicissitudes of fate, “cry” and say what kind of bullshit this is ... Divorced, ex's, children, sores ...

     Please do not forget that my mood also depends on my guests. And no one canceled the circulation of energies. If you need to share negativity with me, you take my resources. I need to fill them up too.

     I play honestly, my time and my communication with you should also bring me something. Therefore, anyone who wants to fuck not my body, but my mind will also have to pay.

     Otherwise, I just won't listen to it. Thanks for understanding.

     P.S. Sharks are not violent killers, they just want to eat.

Here I always do the best I can. 
I try to be considerate to everyone! I listen to your problems and worries and try to give you good advice. 
I amuse you and make you happy! I dance and sing because the show must go on... 
But everyone sees me differently... 
Someone considers me kind and gentle, someone says that I am arrogant and impudent... Others see me as dreamy and wise ... And there are people who believe that I'm a little silly and goofy... 
And that's all - I am!!! 
I will answer you simply - I am your reflection! And in me you see yourself! 
Therefore, it is worth considering what exactly you want to see in this mirror! 
And if you don't like this reflection, then it's definitely not my fault...
Don't be afraid to dream! No matter how crazy your dreams are! 

Dream it, visualize it in your mind and take steps to make it happen! And if it doesn't always work out, then don't give up! Falling is the easiest, but getting up and continuing to act is more difficult ... 

But you can, I believe in you!💪✌
Never be afraid to apologize! Apologizing does not mean humiliating yourself. Through forgiveness, we receive more love and kindness, and understanding of the other side... And do not be silent, the other person can not read your thoughts, no matter how far-sighted he (or she) is. And truth is not born in a dispute ... in a dispute we lose friends ...

Thanks to everyone who shared this day with me! The weather in Siberia does not indulge, but I was warm that day!🎈
Friends, those who know me at least a little, understand that for me a person with his feelings and emotions is always more important than a faceless crowd ... I appreciate quality, not quantity! Stay yourself! And I will always support you in all your endeavors!

Guys, one way or another, we ended up here... and everyone has their own reason. I try my best to listen and encourage everyone who needs it ... each person has his own problems and his own life ... and this does not mean that there is "small" pain and there is "big" ... everyone has their own. .. I just ask you to remember that I am alive too, and I also have dark days ... but I know that the sun will still come in the morning. And I'm trying to remind you of that too! Appreciate life and those who are close to you! All the best!