There are surprises every day!

And I just laugh out loud because I don't want to cry anymore! The limit of tears has been exhausted for several years to come!

Guys, if you promised something to yourself (not to me, dont care about me!) - keep your word!

I ask you to be consistent and, if possible, wise, courageous and worthy! Is it that hard?...
For those who have told me many times that they will not come to me again - why do you come? Why do you checkΒ  me? Why do you send emails, why do you open me in tabs?

Accusing me of lying, cheating, dishonesty (or whatever) without proof doesn't humiliate me, it humiliates you.

If I am what you think, just leave me alone, forget about me! There are many others - beautiful and smart, everyone will find it to their taste!

If it's so hard to refuse me - my doors are open, I make compromises with you if it doesn't humiliate me as a person! But for some things there is a lifetime ban, please remember this too.

Trust is hard to earn but easy to lose. Like your authority.

This message is not addressed to one person, it is a collective speech for some guys, but I think that it will be useful to other people as well.

Thank you for your attention! I typed a lot of words... 🀣🀣🀣