Thank you so much for the compliments. Thank you for finding me so beautiful and worthy that you're trying to ask me out or even ask to marry me. Truly I appreciate you. I appreciate every compliment and message.
It's not you, it's me. I'm truly not in the right place to be able to devote the time, energy, and emotions needed to be in a healthy relationship. And that is totally fine. Sometimes it takes a bit of maturity to take a step back, evaluate my situation, and say it just isn't the right time.
Truthfully I didn't join MFC to get a boyfriend, and from the models I've talked to I don't think they have either. I can't speak for everyone so I'll just speak from how I view it. While there is no harm in asking, please realize you aren't the first and you likely won't be the last.
What you see on MFC is a very small portion of me as a human being. You don’t get to see the days I'm disgustingly sick or when I'm so burnt out I can barely function. You aren’t there when my head hurts so badly I burst into tears and retreat as far as possible into a dark cocoon in my room. You don’t see the giddy jumps and hand motions I make when I'm super excited about something. You don’t have to deal with me when I take over two hours to decide what to eat before giving up completely.
On MFC you all only see a very brief glimpse into my life. And while I try to be as transparent as possible there’s only so much I can show you. Asking me out without knowing me, my situation, and my struggles won't get you very far. In every relationship I've been in I was close friends with them for over 2 years before even considering dating.
Instead of trying to date me, I offer an alternative. Take the time to get to know me. Learn the things I like and dislike. Talk to me about the topics I love. Notice how my face lights up with joy when I talk about a subject I love. Become a friend to me. Become someone I trust and enjoy the company of. I promise I'm an open book.
But also be okay when I get too exhausted to respond, understand that I'm only human and I need a break. Maybe even do some research to figure out ways you can be there and offer support as an online friend. And only do all of this with the understanding that there is no guaranteed reward. Be accepting that after two years I might still just want to remain friends. If you are okay with all of that, if you understand, then by all means send me a message and start that friendship.
But please realize that I truly am not looking for that right now. I just got divorced a year ago and I am focusing on me and my sister to give her the best possible life I can. (And no that doesn't end in two years, that is a continuous job I have happily signed up for.)
It's not you, it's me. I'm truly not in the right place to be able to devote the time, energy, and emotions needed to be in a healthy relationship. And that is totally fine. Sometimes it takes a bit of maturity to take a step back, evaluate my situation, and say it just isn't the right time.
Truthfully I didn't join MFC to get a boyfriend, and from the models I've talked to I don't think they have either. I can't speak for everyone so I'll just speak from how I view it. While there is no harm in asking, please realize you aren't the first and you likely won't be the last.
What you see on MFC is a very small portion of me as a human being. You don’t get to see the days I'm disgustingly sick or when I'm so burnt out I can barely function. You aren’t there when my head hurts so badly I burst into tears and retreat as far as possible into a dark cocoon in my room. You don’t see the giddy jumps and hand motions I make when I'm super excited about something. You don’t have to deal with me when I take over two hours to decide what to eat before giving up completely.
On MFC you all only see a very brief glimpse into my life. And while I try to be as transparent as possible there’s only so much I can show you. Asking me out without knowing me, my situation, and my struggles won't get you very far. In every relationship I've been in I was close friends with them for over 2 years before even considering dating.
Instead of trying to date me, I offer an alternative. Take the time to get to know me. Learn the things I like and dislike. Talk to me about the topics I love. Notice how my face lights up with joy when I talk about a subject I love. Become a friend to me. Become someone I trust and enjoy the company of. I promise I'm an open book.
But also be okay when I get too exhausted to respond, understand that I'm only human and I need a break. Maybe even do some research to figure out ways you can be there and offer support as an online friend. And only do all of this with the understanding that there is no guaranteed reward. Be accepting that after two years I might still just want to remain friends. If you are okay with all of that, if you understand, then by all means send me a message and start that friendship.
But please realize that I truly am not looking for that right now. I just got divorced a year ago and I am focusing on me and my sister to give her the best possible life I can. (And no that doesn't end in two years, that is a continuous job I have happily signed up for.)