Its hard to believe that I have a daughter in college but its true!!  I gave birth to my oldest baby girl when I was just 20 years old, and I am impressed with how I took on motherhood at that young age if I do say so myself!  And having to do it alone when baby daddy hauled his ass, but I have no regrets, it was the best years of my life; from my weird pregnancy, to the traumatic and super long labor and delivery (20 hours in hard labor-felt every bit of pain). Then the years of raising her from a helpless baby to a now grown woman who just graduated high school with a full ride to Texas Tech University!  Somehow I don't feel like I did that good to get a daughter as wonderful and smart as she is, but here she is, ready to take on the world and for the first time she's on her own without me and her dad to keep her safe and we're both scared AF with this.  I really miss her and am so sad everyday that I don't get to see her.  

So for anyone who is a parent or about to be a parent, or just thinking about it one day I will share my only advice about parenting from my own experience:
The hardest part of parenting a child BY FAR is learning to let them go.  In all my 18 years since I became a parent, nothing is more heartbreaking than that! 

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