I experienced Divine Protection and I see life in a whole new way!

So I had a scary situation happen to me a few weeks ago....It happened with a night that my dogs were barking and growling in the middle of the night and they wouldn't stop.  I looked at my phone to see what the security cam outside showed, I thought maybe it was a cat or dog outside, but instead, it was a ghostly orb that was floating and levitating right outside my front door for several hours!  It was visible on the night vision setting as it was pitch black outside.  I was kinda creeped out so I just stayed in bed, eventually fell asleep and all was fine.  Until morning came....

I woke up a few hours later at 8am and felt kinda under the weather which was weird because I don't usually get sick, so I called in to work and just rested in bed curled up with my doggies.  Then around 10am, I started seeing out of my peripheral vision, people standing right beside me, facing the direction I was facing hands in front of them, as if they were secret service bodyguards there to protect me, but I had no idea why this was happening.  They were there by my side only visible to me thru my peripherals for a whole 24hours I could see them, but I didn't feel scared at all.  But I didn't go outside either!!!!  I just brushed it off as one of those spiritual anomaly type of things, no need to worry, went to bed that night, and then all was back to normal the next day, ghosts were gone and i was feeling normal again and went to work that day.

It wasn't until later on that day that my husband told me that there was some dude at the bar that had threatened to pay his wife a visit (Me) due to whatever conflict that had risen between them a couple nights before.  The guy followed him home at some point and had been watching my house for some time before he made this threat. He told my husband exactly where we live, what my first and last name is and even told him what I drive!!  I was horrified when he told me what the creep had said about me, given I've never met this person in my life and he knows everything about me.  It clicked in my brain why the protective ghosts were next to me like they were when he told me this!  In the moment I realized this, my goosebumps wouldn't go away, I KNEW at that moment that those ghosts were on a mission to keep me safe, because I had no idea that someone wanted to hurt me in any way. 

I believe that on the "spirit day" as i call it, that this creepy dude was waiting outside my house and and driving past all that day, hoping to see me come outside...thank god I never went out that door!!  The guy is in jail now and hopefully will be there for a while, I feel safe now and even safer knowing that if I'm ever in danger, someone is looking out for me and I am open to their protection and their power to always keep me safe.  I believed in paranormal things prior to this and describe myself as "spiritual", although not particularly religious.  I am definitely a believer now that this happened, a sign from a higher power, a  divine intervention that literally might have saved my life. I'm in awe of this situation and think "why was i given this divine protection, and most people do not" and I may never know.  But Gods way is not for us to understand, but to be grateful for whatever gifts he gives us, and I am very grateful.

Thank you for reading   -C.K.
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