Hello everyone!  I've been offline for a while, so let's just step in my imaginary time machine and pretend I posted this on Friday. 

My schedule has been a bit crazy, so I plan to expand my offerings here on MFC share to make up for my reduced on-cam time.  Still looking into everything that I can do here...

I posted my first paid album this week, and within 24 hours, I started having second thoughts about my asking price for access.  Needless to say, I reduced it.  If anyone has ideas for photoshoots, send me a message!

My newest offering is a phone line I created exclusively for MFC, which is available to members within the United States.  There are different types of access available under my "items" section, including phone sex and "normal" conversations, and I'll be adding long-term access ASAP!

That's about it...I have to get ready for going on cam now, so I hope to see you soon!
Holiday kisses,

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