when I started dating my (already an ex-boyfriend. We talked for a couple of months, and when everything became sexy, we started talking more and more about sexual interest. We had somewhat similar perversions when we made a list of things in our minds that we would like to consider in the bedroom. Nothing fancy. Until we talked about fetishes and he did not mention feet. Before I go any further, you must understand that I am very interested in how arousal and pleasure seeking differ from person to person. I just adore this eot mi, where the atmosphere reigns and I.

So when he said he loved his legs, I didn't feel disgusted or embarrassed at all. I started asking him when he knew he liked it. He said he discovered this attraction as a child. I was curious which feet he liked and which he didn't. Then the conversation turned to me, saying that he liked my legs and thought they were hot.
When we hung out, and I put my legs out, I turned it on without realizing it. And it was not because I thought so. It was because he told me. I found that I made sure my legs looked pretty, although they always did, because I loved the unwanted rubbing of my legs that I got whenever I went to see him. After telling me about my interest in feet, I asked him if he was ever considering working in a shoe store, which he quickly turned down because there would be too much stimulation around him.

After we parted, I kind of missed the extra attention my legs were getting, but I never actively looked for guys who were interested in legs. The biggest thing I got from this experience was the ability to give someone pure joy and pleasure in such a unique way that I try to do when I can, and of course, within my capabilities.
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