I've known Sid for five years. He was always my friend, he never showed a male interest in me, he knew my husband. During the period of our acquaintance, he also had a relationship. I knew his girls from the photo, but somehow I was very worried about him - I didn't like them. I tried not to get into his personal life, but I discovered a certain pattern. After my criticism of his next girlfriend (he always showed me their photos), Sid stopped communicating with them. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but later, on the fifth case, I realized that my opinion plays a key role for him. Once I told him:
- Sid, at least keep quiet to me! Do you really listen to me like that?
 - You are my ideal! - he replied, presenting it as a joke.
We both laughed and changed the subject. But the thought in my head still haunted me. Indeed, in the last year, Sid has become strange to look at me. It happens that we sit with him on a bench talking to him, and he stares at my sandals, and seems to fall into some other reality. I always perceived him as a friend, and did not admit the thought that Sid could be not only my friend. Moreover, this is not my type of man. My husband knew this, trusted me and was not jealous if I was spending time with Sid. He even allowed him to go to the cinema, cafe, etc. with him. My husband went to the seas. He understood that while he was on the flight, it would be more difficult for someone to drive up to me if I was walking down the street with a man. And in this man, my husband did not see a competitor.
Once He waited until my husband left for the next three-month flight, waited another week, and, being my guest, said: - Vika, what I want to tell you can destroy our friendship. I value her and do not want to lose her, but lately other emotions that I also cannot hide from you do not allow me to live in peace. I respect your marriage, and in no way would I like to contribute to its collapse. I looked at him warily. He still dared to tell me something, but behaved extremely insecure. I immediately decided that if he was going to start talking about sex now, then I would immediately leave him. And sharply, so as not to give a second chance. Sid continued: - I know that you will never go to cheat on your husband. - And you decided to comfort me while he is at work? I laughed. - No, what are you, I do not need you to sacrifice the morality of your marriage for my sake. - Can you be more specific, Sid ?! He exhaled, and continued: - I want to kiss you! - Ha ha! You're kidding again, Sid. Come, I'll kiss you! I laughed. - No, it's not like that, - he muttered, - not in a friendly way and not on the lips. I want to kiss you there! - and he extended his finger towards my toes. I quickly realized that he was not joking, but I would not call it a tackle for sex either, and therefore I gave him the opportunity to explain. - Vika, I want this for a long time. These thoughts do not leave my bad head. I allowed myself to say this, because for you it is not treason. Your conscience is clear. - You do not answer for my conscience! - Sorry....
I was left alone. I thought a lot about this conversation. I did not call him, but I was ready for his call. And he, of course, took place: - Hello! - Hello. - Are you angry with me, Vika? I feel so ashamed. - No, what are you! I can even let you do what you want! A few seconds of silence. Then he said, “Thank you. When you can ... - But there are two conditions, - I interrupted, - First of all, no sex. If there is even one little hint from your side, everything is "goodbye". And secondly. You will always be blindfolded. Always! I want you not to see me at all. Moreover, when I open the doors for you, the blindfold should already be on. And with the same bandage you will leave me. I don't know when you can take it off. Perhaps I will never be able to adapt to this, and the bandage will remain on you indefinitely. - I agree! He said.

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