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A little sweet, a little sour; definitely a twisted mind. I love to chat and debate things and do kinky stuff to my body :)

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“Why Snowpiercer Is a Sequel to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”

My Thoughts

·        First I’d like to point out that Roald Dahl was told by his publisher to change the color of “Charlie” from a little black boy to a white boy because he thought a black ‘Charlie’ would not appeal to readers.
o   Dahl was the British author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, written in 1964.
·        This video focuses instead on the 1971 musical starring Gene Wilder. This screenplay went against Dahl’s wishes and he disowned the film.
·        Snowpiercer is, according to Wikipedia: “ a 2013 English-language South Korean-Czech science fiction action film based on the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige.”


Okay, so if you haven’t watched both of these films, I suggest you do so and then come back. This isn’t going to make much sense otherwise. Hell, it might not make much sense anyway. 

I’d like to start by pointing out a truth or two:

1.)               Every sci fi movie from older generations had these “fantastical” scenes… cellphones, ok so hoverboards were kinda iffy, I mean…but they were working with artifical intelligence and combining that with organic and even human matter…I mean… look at us today…I guess my first truth is that the “science fiction” of today will be the truth for the generations ahead. 
2.)               “It’s not a conspiracy if they’re really out to get you.” Laugh all you want, but hell in my experience this one is absolutely true. Now, we can agree to disagree but, think about all the people who try to tell the regular people the actual truth… Assassinated. I mean, c’mon. I’m not wrong. And quite frankly, get mad call me names, but a lot of those people are black. Now, I posit…that the reason Dahl’s publisher wanted to make ‘Charlie’ white instead of black was not so much that it wouldn’t appeal to readers, as that it would appeal. To black readers, children, future inventors and engineers. Now, I might be wrong and again feel free to call me names, but… it’s not a conspiracy if they’re really out to get you.


Ok, that out of the way…

When I watched this link, I got mad and I cried. Because I saw it. Now, don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying “Oh my God this is definitely some undercover conspiracy sequel fortune telling shit right here!!!!” 


What I’m saying is this:

I loved the book first as a child, and then again as a child I loved the movie. The remake was good, also, but can never compete with either. 

But I loved lots of movies, and I always daydreamed (and sometimes nightmared) about “what happened next” happily ever after my ass 😊 I always knew better on some subconscious level, I think. Call it jaded, call it experienced…


I can see it. I can see little Charlie Bucket, apprentice now…Wilfred Wonka… I can see the candy factory reaching amazing heights of success and I can see some dumbass political party posturing leading to the destruction of the habitat that we know. I can see this mad scientist genius on his deathbed telling a young Wilfred Wonka that it’s going to happen and telling him how it’s much like Noah’s Ark in a way, and I can see a gleam of little Charlie Bucket in the new Mr. Wonka’s eye as he begins to work on the train that will save humanity.

And, harsh conditions require harsh souls to carry out harsh missions, it is true. I can see the entire scenario playing out and what made me angry is that I understand. The front, middle, back… the desperation it took to take such measures to begin with, the coldness and cruelty it would take to keep such a system in place, the desperation to survive and have better quality than what a mere system provides…

I was horrified when, while watching the link, saw in my own mind what happened to the poor Oompa Loompas and I cried at the knowledge that the back of the train lived singularly to produce this substitution for the continuing of the train.

I cried because I really do believe that in this system, the slavery is based on dollars… green… all the hate, the bigotry, the bitterness, false teaching…is done solely that the ones who think they are “better” can continue to have “better” while the ones who are considered less must not only content themselves with it, but forgive their captors and tormenters so that they can have better later… after they die.


So… here’s where I’ll leave this… with a thought from a song which I hope you will listen to:



…I see de rich gettin richer an de poor dyin… see how poor women run business from nothin… let the domestic helpers show u how to use $130 to feed a family of six for one week…

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