Instant Access
1500 Tokens
This can be nude/explicit and I can open your cam and have your audio on (if desired). If you are just looking for a friendly, non explicit hang out then I am willing to go for 20 minutes instead of the 15. You can purchase up to 45 minutes of time at once if you intend for it to be explicit at some point, and up to 2 hours if it is just for friendly purposes. We can have some naughty fun, catch up and talk about any and all subjects, or just watch a movie together! The skype must be scheduled at least 3 hours in advance (meaning I have confirmed the time, not just 3 hours from purchasing), and can be rescheduled if given 1+ hour notice beforehand. I will be strict with the time allotment so if you think you might go over the 15 minutes, you can tip 80tk per minute on top of that before our session to add some buffer. If you think you have *specific requests/interests* PM me prior to purchasing to confirm with me ♡