How are you, my love? Many of you came to me in private to ask me in my first days on MFC WHY choosing to be a Camgirl... So, I'm gonna tell a bit more about me.. My previously job got me in a Burn Out situation where I had panick attacks just to think of interacting to any of my colleagues or clients, even when I was doing ordinary things like walking on the streets or being home alone in a Sunday afternoon, the attacks would hit and make me feel like death would be better... 
No need to say that i HAD to quit my job and I lived almost 8 months with all my economies and a bunch of pills to control and treat my mental health. I already knew  the Camming profession,  and, I always tought these girls are beautiful but, mainly, strong for being here against all a fake puritan society which preaches one thing and does another very different and dirty one.. Also, these girls have to face their families and friends at some point, as same as to lose all chances of working in some ordinary company depending on how much they got known on Camming Websites... They also have to read or listen to rude men on chatrooms and those who think we are here as BEGGERS (gladly they're a few tho) and they DO NOT see it as a JOB, but, for 99% of the girls, like me, it is!  Almost all we do in front of the cameras here with you, gets us horny and crazy about  it, it's true and, indeed, we are here to please you: our clients, friends and, lovers. But, we also have bills to pay, a health to maintain and the basic costs of living gets more and more expensive everyday... So, we try the most to make it a living (works as a part-time job for some girls too) and, the most important: we try to make it a living with QUALITY for us as ordinary jobs are already enslavering enough.
Personally,  the best and truly answer I can give is that this is my income nowadays but that, differently from my previously jobs, I open my webcam with excitment (even that not with much experience so far) and all I do with you is because I feel in the mood for... And not to mention that talking to all souls here fullfils my days and nights! The deep human contact we have here sharing since hidden secrets till daily problems or, even, the smallest things of our day, bring all of you closer to me, breaking with that old fashioned and irritating formality we are supposed to use in a daily basis - as I BET most of you, gentlemen, have to use it everyday with bosses and clients.  So, if I can feel free, interacting and learning with ya'll in a daily basis, and yet, get money, why not? Camming sounds like a challenge, entertaining ain't easy... But, I already found souls here that come to see away more than  a huge ass or beautiful tits... They come to see a person with feelings, thoughts and dreams, just like them, just like you...

So, I hope to see ya'll every day and night in here, because our paths crossed for more than a orgasm or two.. :XO 
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