My first blog!
So im actually not sure what im supposed to write here. I am lilian stone but im sure you've figured that out from clicking here. I love doing my cam shows, i get to meet lots of amazing people along the way. I do love writing, i need to write more of my sexy stories. If you haven't read them yet you should check them out. they are a progress in the making i only have a few up but plan to do more as time goes on and i have more time to get around to them. A little about me I have been camming for 4 years now and have been in the porn industry for almost 3 coming up here. I enjoy doing both my jobs. I think I enjoy camming more as I get to interact with people in a relaxed environment and we all can chill and have fun. I love baking, cooking, making jewelry, writing, reading, watching awesome super hero movies dead pool counts right? chillin on cam, and going on adventures. I love hearing about other peoples lives as well so you should join my room and let me know whats going on with you. its always great when someone comes in my room excited with good news or enjoying even the little things in life like boobies cause boobies makes everyone happy! well i think thats enough for my first blog post EVER! hope to see are you great people in my room!Â