Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity! I am overwhelmed by it at times, but I truly appreciate each and every one of you and each tip! Thank you ❤️💋 As some of you may know, I love to travel and I always seem to be on the move, at least prior to this pandemic. But since the pandemic, I have been able to focus on myself and what truly makes me happy. For the last few months, I have been settling into my new apartment and realizing I want to stay here for a while. I had gotten rid of my old bed frame during the move, and have been sleeping on a mattress and box springs on my bedroom floor... and that is no longer acceptable. What am I, back in college?!?!? This bed frame would mean the world to me and would allow me to get off the floor, allow me to get the proper amount of sleep I need and to become the person I know I am fully capable of and want to be. ****Highest overall tipper in this goal, will get some one-on-one alone time with me in my new bed**** Highest overall tipper as of 2/13: ❤️(RK) ❤️ Thank you for stopping by, reading, and continuing to support me with your kindness. With love, Lea
Feb 08, 2022
Mar 31, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Mar 31, 2022.
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All 52 Albums, 148 Recordings, 3 Collections, 5 Items, 21 Clubs, 11 Polls, and 13 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 12016 Tokens
Contributor 2 8293 Tokens
Contributor 3 1535 Tokens
Contributor 4 655 Tokens
Contributor 5 583 Tokens
Contributor 6 204 Tokens
Contributor 7 200 Tokens
Contributor 8 169 Tokens
Contributor 9 116 Tokens
Contributor 10 64 Tokens
Contributor 11 50 Tokens
Contributor 12 50 Tokens
Contributor 13 40 Tokens
Contributor 14 20 Tokens
Contributor 15 15 Tokens