Now that you guys and girls have bought me some new lingerie, and a realistic cock toy, the next logical thing for a new cam girl is this Lush, right? I have seen numerous models wearing and using the Lovense Lush and I am very impressed by their comments and reactions to it. I would love to wear this out and give you the controls while I am in public or working. If you have seen any of my shows, you know how I like to be a good girl and be submissive to you... Thank you for stopping by my MFC Share page and reading this write up. Looking forward to working towards this new and amazing toy! With love, Lea
Jan 17, 2022
Jan 30, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jan 30, 2022.
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All 47 Albums, 142 Recordings, 3 Collections, 5 Items, 21 Clubs, 11 Polls, and 12 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 2560 Tokens
Contributor 2 1857 Tokens
Contributor 3 1500 Tokens
Contributor 4 688 Tokens
Contributor 5 600 Tokens
Contributor 6 171 Tokens
Contributor 7 23 Tokens
Contributor 8 12 Tokens