We can give up some unimportant things in this life for the sake of a child's smile, the health of old people, homeless animals, world peace! I believe in goodness and sincerity. I believe that if we help others, and other people will help others, and so on down the chain. it will come back to you! I have already started this path and I will be glad if you all join too ! together we make this world a better place!
May 06, 2022
Dec 31, 2023
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 31, 2023.
You can send AlwayssSmile a Share Tip!
All 2 Items contribute to this Goal.
Steven3v3n My SnapChat 399 Tokens
Austrian_666 Skype 1111 Tokens
Austrian_666 My SnapChat 399 Tokens
Chameleon1 My SnapChat 399 Tokens
OMGitzMUNINN My SnapChat 399 Tokens
sandywantu Skype 1111 Tokens
sandywantu Skype 1111 Tokens
sandywantu My SnapChat 399 Tokens
OMGitzMUNINN My SnapChat 399 Tokens
Papy54 ShareTip 2 Tokens
iwilad Don't be indifferent 200 Tokens