Hi guys, haveing my own place it is one of my biggest dream ever. Wish have my own apartament where I live relaxed and can caming and haveing bathtube u know how I like it :D. Everyone who know me know that I m renting now apartament. I know without you guys I will never make it. Please contribute as more as you can or as few as you can and I will be very grathefull for this. Help me make my dream come true. I appreciate all tips <3 :*
Token Goal
All 3 Albums, 1 Story, 7 Items, 4 Polls, and 3 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 1250 Tokens
Contributor 2 299 Tokens
Contributor 3 196 Tokens
Contributor 4 130 Tokens
Contributor 5 22 Tokens
Contributor 6 20 Tokens