I've been looking into trail bikes for when I go on my forest walks <3 Currently just own a stationary bike and would love the upgrade; bonus, you get to help me lose weight and get a fatter ass ;p Looking at a NIshiki Pubelo 26 in
Token Goal
All 55 Albums, 1 Collection, 2 Items, and 2 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
Anonymous 411 Tokens
niceguy_2015 200 Tokens
lwapo 170 Tokens
Neoprim 100 Tokens
silviare1973 78 Tokens
useyourvoice 60 Tokens
GreatGuy89 60 Tokens
Hume_alone 30 Tokens
Anonymous 5 Tokens
Deeman1969 2 Tokens
Abe_Froman 1 Tokens
LOVEU7777 1 Tokens
beepbeep95 1 Tokens
blue_train 1 Tokens
KeyboardNinja 1 Tokens
JamesBondd007 1 Tokens
JustKraken 1 Tokens
Anonymous 1 Tokens