Hello to you, all gentlemans! I'm Kayra, an mature woman who likes to meet quallity mens and have a great time together! If you help me achieve my goal, you will make me very happy, i need this amount to make my dream room! For now, my room is not how i want it to be... Is a quarantine room and i would love to change things around, to feel better here! You will spend some time in this room too, so lett's make this wish real🙂I'm funny, i joke a lot and i'm here for you if you want a better day, if you need somebody with a good vibe! You don't know me yet but very soon, maybe tomorrow, my new webcam will arrive and i'll have what i need to go live and meet you! Yeey💜If you want to wish me good luck for my start here, with you, a small attention tip will mean a lot for me😁With love, Kayra💜
Mar 23, 2020
Apr 23, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Apr 23, 2020.
You can send Bahaju a Share Tip!
All 5 Albums, 1 Story, 4 Clubs, and 4 Polls contribute to this Goal.
biggum73 49 Tokens
BigKuntryGuy Take it or leave it! 50 Tokens
BigKuntryGuy Drink a glass of wine with me... 10 Tokens