Hi. I think you came to my page and maybe you want to meet me. Maybe we already know each other. Every token you send here goes to my little dream. I would love it if even 1 token got in here and you made your contribution to my heart. I'd be happy with anything that comes in here. Never hesitate to talk to me if you are a normal man I will never push you away or hurt you. Above all I came here to find new companionship and fun. ❤️ P.S. Love your cherry👄
Token Goal
All 1 Album, 3 Items, and 4 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
tireman6 2545 Tokens
Superjonk 234 Tokens
axle_axle 200 Tokens
hctim 100 Tokens
capff 90 Tokens
masonary01 88 Tokens