I love being online and meeting new and interesting people. I love the experience of giving pleasure and sharing intimate moments with you guys here. Sometimes you ask me what my dream is ? What i truly would love is to save a little extra to one day open my own business. A small coffee shop that i can run and be part of the local community.So do you think a girl like me has a shot at my dream ?If you would like to help feel free to tip towards this dream goal. Maybe one day i can pay you back with a free cup of coffee ? :)
Jun 18, 2023
Jun 18, 2024
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jun 18, 2024.
You can send Nancy_Morris a Share Tip!
All 6 Albums, 8 Items, and 6 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
LoveTheSun37 19593 Tokens
MattW4 7347 Tokens
In4Sriracha 7164 Tokens
ezrider44 2450 Tokens
Anonymous 777 Tokens
Hulk1814U 700 Tokens
tvcannon0803 600 Tokens
David4Real1 320 Tokens
rob10101 250 Tokens
Adys_Seeker 220 Tokens
Oliver8523 220 Tokens
SmokyBarnable 100 Tokens
MonkiBfWitchr 27 Tokens
KetchupChip 1 Tokens