Found out that I have to move to a new location soon! In the next three months D: I need to upgrade and move my studio over to the new place so I can keep providing you content, come help me out! A donation of 1000 tokens will get you: - FREE Access to PRIVATES CLUB and MFC CLUB <3 (for the duration of the goal). - A FREE cum video of up to 10 minutes in length; - FREE access to my private snapchat -- for the duration of the goal <3 - A personal Snapvideo showing my appreciation to you! (For the duration of the goal) A donation of 500 tokens will get you: - FREE access to my private snapchat -- for the duration of the goal <3 - A personal Snapvideo showing my appreciation for you! (For the duration of the goal). I appreciate all donations and love you all dearly <3
Sep 30, 2022
Nov 29, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Nov 29, 2022.
You can send XLottie_Mae a Share Tip!
All 9 Albums, 1 Story, 1 Recording, 1 Collection, 4 Items, 3 Clubs, and 1 Poll contribute to this Goal.