I wanna to have car! I will ride around the city with friends to cool music and think about you))
Jan 29, 2022
May 30, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on May 30, 2022.
You can send StellaDaisy a Share Tip!
All 1 Album, 4 Items, 3 Clubs, and 3 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
nothereim 1015 Tokens
get_creative 840 Tokens
loop_loop 600 Tokens
chku1411 500 Tokens
Daddy4toes 485 Tokens
notweirdguy 410 Tokens
DwainDibley19 300 Tokens
speclover 280 Tokens
jdrax7421 225 Tokens
Glumba73 220 Tokens
scureshadows 200 Tokens
earthheaven 200 Tokens
sanctums2 180 Tokens
hermescruc 180 Tokens
mammothmilk 175 Tokens
Someslydog 145 Tokens
kingcum7 132 Tokens
Iannone1 125 Tokens
hedzy 120 Tokens
federalist 120 Tokens
Pendonal 120 Tokens
WillieBends 120 Tokens
satinitas2 100 Tokens
rwin26 100 Tokens
Littleone1111 100 Tokens
TheHushedOne 100 Tokens
Phlebas29 100 Tokens
necro05 100 Tokens
therethis0000 100 Tokens
funnymars 100 Tokens
LetsDoPvt 100 Tokens
AR53H0L3 100 Tokens
romanismo 85 Tokens
shockdaddy1 80 Tokens
shadowglide6 75 Tokens
Anonymous 45 Tokens
mr21best 40 Tokens
shakriel 40 Tokens
Draqonwarrior 35 Tokens
Matt6991 35 Tokens
PhillyMickey 35 Tokens
marster_bates 10 Tokens
DirtyFrankli 10 Tokens