Baby, everybody says that ass fuck is the best but i never tried it! I was thinking that i'll never touch my ass, that i'll let it virgin but i want you to make me change my mind🥳Why loose some pleasure that every body likes? And if i don't do it now... I'll never do it! So, if you want to be MASTER OF MY ASS, and be THE ONE that makes me loose virginity, make me do it! I'm open🍑You will get the proof, not just words, you will get full video with first ass play❗❗❗The MASTER is who tips more! Show me some love, MY MASTER💜P. S This ends on my birthday! Top 10 Tippers will recive one full video min 5 min with ass play🥳Thank you, loves💋
Apr 03, 2020
May 27, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on May 27, 2020.
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All 5 Albums, 1 Story, and the following 1 Club contribute to this Goal: