I've been given the green light on a pair of 20/20 eyes, all that is left is collecting the necessary funds! Help this trekkie attain perfect vision for the first time in over twenty years! (Also, this procedure comes sans chest wound)
Token Goal
All 10 Albums, 1 Item, 1 Club, and 1 Poll contribute to this Goal.
TeddyMoos 3807 Tokens
Dk_er 610 Tokens
Heads 500 Tokens
snk10million 450 Tokens
Devildaddy130 387 Tokens
james979jpl1 357 Tokens
hotankit_89 350 Tokens
Bulldozer_77 350 Tokens
RudyDMY 350 Tokens
fuqer21 350 Tokens
bakon1 350 Tokens
MTYphantom1 350 Tokens
stefan28_ 350 Tokens
tyranthraxis 350 Tokens
Kildawabit 350 Tokens
credo10 320 Tokens
LeightonsRock 320 Tokens
u17rxb 280 Tokens
Xionor 280 Tokens
glock1963 234 Tokens
JustanAussie 230 Tokens
Prince4Fun 200 Tokens
pandy_ 157 Tokens
AlcanYou 117 Tokens
gwailo81 100 Tokens
drwho1010101 77 Tokens
RighteousDude 77 Tokens
joer 77 Tokens
yoyo_0 77 Tokens
Marty_S_McFly 77 Tokens
al1985_ 77 Tokens
I_M_Hipp 48 Tokens
JakeGrafton 40 Tokens
Godsmack127 21 Tokens
hornyboi2080 3 Tokens