The earth is suffering, every day we spend on the earth, we are consuming natural resources. Despite knowing this, very few people are doing their part to curb the impact that humanity has on earth. Although I have no knowledge I am trying to plant some trees and then take them to places where they can grow. If you want to support this cause just click below and support with the amount you want. I will be publishing the progress of what I managed to plant in the little space I have now. If you can help from 96 tokens, your name will appear in a list in my profile that will certify you as a tree planter. You can do the times you feel like to help the planet. UPDATE In the last weeks the trees have grown. Some of them have died but the most are cute. I moved the biggest to a new pot expecting they can be bigger and put it in a new pot... The new seeds are in the water and soon will come new trees... Thanks for all the Support and let's contribute to the planet
Jan 25, 2020
Token Goal
bigdog7o 2448 Tokens
ManWithN0Name 1700 Tokens
rkteck 1438 Tokens
Smallbizhlp 1146 Tokens
HarleyGunn 780 Tokens
YourFaveChef 534 Tokens
rick37 500 Tokens
Hornyman3655 399 Tokens
Guap0te 378 Tokens
Mn_Outlaw 315 Tokens
ppassos23 200 Tokens
Liam0426 126 Tokens
SmokeWraith 100 Tokens
Sir_B0B 100 Tokens
Anonymous 100 Tokens
mrgold347 100 Tokens
billyblaze0 99 Tokens
brokerswild 96 Tokens
Weeeezer 96 Tokens
Arnauf 96 Tokens
AlisBraniel 96 Tokens
Countpervv 96 Tokens
mustangguy1 96 Tokens
sharkie24 50 Tokens
Froggy7777 50 Tokens
poetwarrrior 21 Tokens