Hiii! This goal is to go towards getting the rest of the furniture I need to finish decorating my place 🥰 I mostly prioritized getting my cam room set up and purchasing my first big girl mattress when I moved, so there's certain odds and ends that I'd like to complete so I can feel fully at home in my new place 🥰 I really need to finish getting Sephiroth's full enclosure set up, plus I'm also hoping to host Thanksgiving for my family again this year, which means I definitely need a dining table and chairs by November 🤣 all contributions towards this goal are greatly appreciated and will be rewarded! ✨ I plan to film a special cum video where I cum in every room, on all the new furniture and surfaces in my house, to send to anyone amazing enough to contribute over 1,000 tokens to this goal!
Token Goal
CorwinA 21512 Tokens
nowhere 7296 Tokens
TinasZazick 2737 Tokens
ChianroMayhem 1076 Tokens
Anonymous 793 Tokens
MattW4 500 Tokens
Bennyrex1 300 Tokens