Hello!! Thank you for your contribution ❤️ you are so kind. I am currently enrolled in school to get my bachelors in computer science, college has been the best thing that has happened to me in a long time, and I am very interested and love my program. I have lived my entire life around technology so it makes sense why I decided to go into the IT field!
Nov 03, 2019
Oct 03, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Oct 03, 2021.
You can send Keelstarz a Share Tip!
All 3 Albums, 2 Items, and 1 Tipmenu contribute to this Goal.
Brady99999 BOOTY STUFF 51 Tokens
Anonymous Showerrr fun ❤️💘 100 Tokens
Anonymous BOOTY STUFF 51 Tokens
markcorp1234 Showerrr fun ❤️💘 100 Tokens
afull184 ShareTip 5 Tokens
DyldoinU 200 Tokens
Anonymous 1000 Tokens
Anonymous Showerrr fun ❤️💘 100 Tokens
Anonymous Showerrr fun ❤️💘 100 Tokens
Anonymous 666 Tokens
micky7c Showerrr fun ❤️💘 100 Tokens
Anonymous Showerrr fun ❤️💘 100 Tokens
horus26 Showerrr fun ❤️💘 100 Tokens
Solipsistic 1000 Tokens
diasgo 500 Tokens
shelovespho 500 Tokens