guys I am very happy and grateful because thanks to you I have been able to make my dream come true very soon! Some of you will know that I am traveling in November, but for the days that I need to stay I must show 2600 euros! so I hope that with effort and a little of your help I can have everything by November, a hug and thanks again, we will see you very soon in europe
Sep 05, 2023
Nov 10, 2023
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Nov 10, 2023.
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All 31 Albums, 1 Story, 35 Recordings, 1 Collection, 7 Items, 11 Clubs, and 2 Polls contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 lovers 200 Tokens
Contributor 2 funny anny 420 Tokens
Contributor 3 my cam anyversary 1 Tokens
Contributor 4 MY TRIP TO SPAIN 50 Tokens
Contributor 5 lovers 200 Tokens
Contributor 6 WhatsApp 449 Tokens
Contributor 7 little Red Riding Hood tease 469 Tokens
Contributor 8 lovers 200 Tokens
Contributor 9 MY TRIP TO SPAIN 15 Tokens
Contributor 10 MY TRIP TO SPAIN 100 Tokens
Contributor 11 MY TRIP TO SPAIN 15 Tokens
Contributor 12 MY TRIP TO SPAIN 20 Tokens
Contributor 13 MY TRIP TO SPAIN 15 Tokens
Contributor 14 MY TRIP TO SPAIN 1 Tokens