I would love a week or 2 off in August to just relax in the BBQ, read , go and play in my garden everyday all day hehe....oh damn maybe even get some camping in!! I think it would be an amazing mental health break as well! I appreciate everything and I will be making an album and snap story for all that contribute!! Happy summer!!
Token Goal
Contributor 1 August vacation 1500 Tokens
Contributor 2 August vacation 1000 Tokens
Contributor 3 August vacation 1000 Tokens
Contributor 4 August vacation 1000 Tokens
Contributor 5 August vacation 1000 Tokens
Contributor 6 August vacation 500 Tokens
Contributor 7 August vacation 500 Tokens
Contributor 8 August vacation 500 Tokens
Contributor 9 August vacation 275 Tokens
Contributor 10 August vacation 125 Tokens
Contributor 11 August vacation 100 Tokens