HELLO FRIENDS! I miss hanging out on cam so much, so I need to get myself a new laptop to get back at it! Please please please donate or buy anything from my Share page to help me reach this goal! I'm hoping to reach this goal before Christmas. It would mean so much to me to be able to spend some time catching up with old friends during the holidays, as well as maybe make some new ones! I'm willing to spoil anyone who helps me out, you just gotta let me know what you'd like! If you'd like to discuss custom content, feel free to contact me!
Token Goal
All 49 Albums, 4 Collections, and 3 Items contribute to this Goal.
Pack3h8t3r 600 Tokens
Anonymous 485 Tokens
Anonymous 280 Tokens
Nateking44 200 Tokens
Davey_in_TX 80 Tokens
Anonymous 80 Tokens
gringo_grande 80 Tokens
JFitzJ 80 Tokens
Todd79 35 Tokens
jj45453456 10 Tokens