Help me get to Cali this summer so I can reunite with my sister, SquisherGirl! We plan on going out since we've never partied together, hitting the beach, playing fun games on cam with all of you, and getting into just enough trouble! This goal helps pay for my ticket out there as well as other travel expenses! Dates: July 28th-August 1st If you contribute at least 500 tokens to this goal you'll receive all that week's show recordings! Contribute 2500 tokens and get an exclusive video of our Girls Nite Out (plus all show recordings)! Contribute 4000 tokens and get all the photos we take that weekend, all show recordings, plus our "Adventure-mentary" where we explore San Diego a bit and hang out off cam, as well as the exclusive GNO vid!
Token Goal
daxxxy Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 500 Tokens
pbare069 Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 500 Tokens
pbare069 Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 300 Tokens
rh3z3k13l Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 200 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 131 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 101 Tokens
mylittlethorn Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 100 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 100 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 94 Tokens
CardHawkFD Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 44 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 44 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 25 Tokens
SuperCJ_ Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 20 Tokens
GrimoireSE Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 10 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 9 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 1 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 1 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 1 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 1 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 1 Tokens
Kbs_Lost_Frog Cam w/ SquisherGirl in Cali!!! 1 Tokens