I want to put money in a separate account to help save for it. This goal includes 1 flight and spending money while I am there.
Each and every token helps SO much towards this goal!
For each amount, you will receive:
500 tokens: 2 shots taken while in Iceland and announced on Snapchat!
1000 tokens: sexy photos/videos while I’m in Iceland on Snapchat!
2000 tokens: everything in the 1000 token tip PLUS one cum show on Snapchat just for you!
5000 tokens: everything in the 2000 token tip, PLUS, a little gift basket of things I purchased for you while in Iceland!
10,000 tokens: ALL B/G content, 2 shots at a restaurant in Iceland (taken on Snapchat and name announced), and 5 Polaroids taken in Iceland and mailed to you!
40,000 tokens: ALL content, Snapchat, all future content for a year, my utmost respect and everything else mentioned above.
Token Goal