I Missed out on the last one sadly and surprisingly there having another in January *Screams to self excitedly* Help me Get to MFC Social this year!!! I would love to be able to meet other girls to have fun with as well as make content with! I hear nothing but amazing things about experiences from attending the event so any contribution will help and I would be so eternally grateful. I will be posting throughout the event for club members as well as having an Amazing video shoot from Vegas Anyone who contributes to this goal 500+ will recieve polaroids & video of their choice from Vegas and will be snapchatted the whole adventure from driving there to hotel first looks as well as EVerYThiNg in Between!! plus I'll be online all 3 days with other ladies I meet there <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Nov 08, 2021
Jan 22, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jan 22, 2022.
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All 6 Albums, 11 Items, 4 Clubs, and 1 Poll contribute to this Goal.