Howdy yall! 🤠 There is some things that have been going on offline that have led to some major life changes!!!! Although we were in what we thought was a permanent home for us, my roommates job is relocating them to D.C & I have decided since we flow so well together that I will be moving with them!!!! 🎉 This has been an emotional journey/situation but everything in me tells me this is meant for me! Emotions & all! I have put this goal together to push me in the right direction to focus on the positive & reaching all of my goals! This goal will help me cover my flight for me & Gareth(he will be riding with me in the cabin🫢), a traveling enclosure for Sammi + a new bigger enclosure for the new house, KD new toys & a new bed for the new place, new cam room stuff (fingers crossed for a bigger stream room), extra moving costs, & just good vibes for the move!!!!! I am staying positive & continue to always look for the best in every situation so let’s reach this goal so we can continue to make all of my dreams come true!!!!
Token Goal
All 145 Albums, 7 Recordings, 2 Collections, 17 Items, 14 Clubs, 1 Poll, and 5 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
polysurprise 7666 Tokens
user209 6678 Tokens
soulknifemmc 5000 Tokens
CrimeCity 3775 Tokens
Soujashark4 3500 Tokens
Anonymous 2515 Tokens
mattva93 2046 Tokens
SparkleSphctr 1379 Tokens
Anonymous 1300 Tokens
trip3003 1188 Tokens
Icosahedron 1099 Tokens
BolksDarby 1070 Tokens
DripNCum 1062 Tokens
Diamond_x_x_x 956 Tokens
Triton_JermS 926 Tokens
mylittlethorn 900 Tokens
Jannton 900 Tokens
Irish__8 830 Tokens
mojo1949 792 Tokens
kyleKTA 777 Tokens
riff_raff7 612 Tokens
DrovePast 500 Tokens
Grimlok72 500 Tokens
gwhi47 406 Tokens
crownpaper 343 Tokens
Okarun 333 Tokens
souryourmilk 300 Tokens
boner_pol1ce 294 Tokens
Lloyd_Xmas_KB 236 Tokens
MOpinky 226 Tokens
UncleJesse_SF 200 Tokens
Bw8639 200 Tokens
chaosmage36 200 Tokens
Wishbone4 200 Tokens
Bigpride89 199 Tokens
Eh_Fuckoff 176 Tokens
ohkgar 162 Tokens
The1Rodrick 132 Tokens
Pandalorian 117 Tokens
Anonymous 111 Tokens
antny90 100 Tokens
SwampDonkey 75 Tokens
Donjuan188 75 Tokens
Bradley332 75 Tokens
JohnnyHonest 72 Tokens
EbenSQ 66 Tokens
mrpaypay1 54 Tokens
TallJack99 50 Tokens
Symplegia 50 Tokens
future999 50 Tokens
j_a_s 44 Tokens
min0rthreat 20 Tokens
johnnysmith78 20 Tokens
tomtom2412 10 Tokens
robert7009 6 Tokens
FourYear 6 Tokens
Epsylen 6 Tokens
Jay_Bae 6 Tokens
Dermy222 6 Tokens