Braces!!! Yay!!! I realized I really do need em for sleep & jaw issues my misalignment is causing me, plus they have continued shifting and it's not a cute little crooked toothh anymore, they're a lot crooked and it makes me really sad. But happy teeth bb is super soon and modern medical technology is great! This is now where your offline tokens come to live. Tysm
Token Goal
This Goal is not enabled.
All 30 Albums, 36 Recordings, 15 Items, 9 Clubs, and 1 Tipmenu contribute to this Goal.
clara 50000 Tokens
PardonMyLance 7209 Tokens
MrFlip 7092 Tokens
Triton_JermS 5880 Tokens
Anonymous 5244 Tokens
BadJackCutter 4788 Tokens
HBA1010 4744 Tokens
Anonymous 3222 Tokens
the3rdprince 2908 Tokens
Cubbies_93 2446 Tokens
Bolsaboy 900 Tokens
T_Tre 888 Tokens
SunnyNsc 625 Tokens
Jimbo_n64 560 Tokens
jeromebc 364 Tokens
Growf 264 Tokens
ThatViewer 256 Tokens
aron48013 246 Tokens
snds_grt 222 Tokens
RodneyRuxin69 200 Tokens
Berkeley303 200 Tokens
drake19990 200 Tokens
gnarwhal3 199 Tokens
powpowpussy9 175 Tokens
Geekoftrades 144 Tokens
starling204 144 Tokens
thickymartin 143 Tokens
dg1968 113 Tokens
BillmeXX 111 Tokens
legal_lemons 100 Tokens
RaymondBrrrr 100 Tokens
halo25000 100 Tokens
gmichel98 100 Tokens
Blue_555 100 Tokens
EB_Bob 50 Tokens
cydeon 22 Tokens
nashfred01 20 Tokens
Sweetcalves 2 Tokens
Witch_Blade 2 Tokens