AdysJim is matching a cumulative amount up to 10k per day for the next 3 days while Ady begins to rest and enjoy her new home. Each matching day will end at midnight MFC time. Let's finish our month strong. 😊 Day 1: 2,939 match Day 2: 7,883 match Day 3: 10,000 match
Sep 26, 2020
Sep 29, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Sep 29, 2020.
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All 578 Albums, 122 Recordings, 19 Collections, 74 Items, and 13 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
AdysJim 20822 Tokens
Youknowits19 7850 Tokens
AdysB 7295 Tokens
Ian4UAdy 2199 Tokens
AdysFirstLast 1500 Tokens
AdysSasha 1400 Tokens
neil054 650 Tokens
Adys_Seeker 633 Tokens
Adysjedi 550 Tokens
AdysKiwi 550 Tokens
jrcainus 500 Tokens
INDIANDRZ 450 Tokens
AdysSmark 439 Tokens
AdysWolf 400 Tokens
AdysBulldog 400 Tokens
AdysDuke 400 Tokens
tanis1 400 Tokens
anttihiro 400 Tokens
AdysGrritz 400 Tokens
AdysSkipp 400 Tokens
AdysBlue 400 Tokens
Nick27x 400 Tokens
Anonymous 400 Tokens
bigted2k 300 Tokens
drworm3 150 Tokens
Doodendood 150 Tokens
RedRovrcumovr 150 Tokens
Anonymous 150 Tokens
LezyLad 150 Tokens
Montalcino 150 Tokens
therealLordD 106 Tokens