If you know me well enough, "SQUIRREL!" says enough. 😅Maybe this costume would be fitting for me and also pretty funny. Should I do it?!😂 There is a superhero called Squirrel Girl! If you don't know about her here is a short explanation: "She suffered a modification in her genes for unknown reasons that granted her squirrel-like abilities, which manifested predominantly in the form of a prehensile tail. When her parents consulted with a doctor, it was determined that Doreen wasn't a mutant, even though she believed so for a long time. Squirrel Girl possesses enhanced strength, speed, agility, and reflexes. A super humanly nimble acrobat gifted at climbing trees, she can perform standing high jumps of at least 30 feet. Small claws on each digit enhance her gripping and climbing and are also useful to some extent as weapons in hand-to-hand fighting."
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