The first guy came out to tell me the toilet was leaking, then he said he made a mistake and said the plumbing with the shower was leaking, he said he would have to call another person and said the drainage in the shower was all messed up and pipes so I would have to renovate my the whole shower and break the tile and plumbing on. top of fixing the drywall on my patio and fixing the ceiling. All tips will help me with these upexpected bills! Thank you so much!
Token Goal
AS_String 59284 Tokens
StringTout_AS 26900 Tokens
OleDave1_AS 16407 Tokens
beederek 12244 Tokens
RCS388 7400 Tokens
AS_rayman41 550 Tokens
Deneb_Star 500 Tokens
LoloJinx 200 Tokens
s110parky 150 Tokens
dg1968 100 Tokens
Marty_S_McFly 49 Tokens
Let_It_Ride 20 Tokens
MrEdFL66 10 Tokens
GrumpyOldeMan 1 Tokens