Hello everyone! I have a set goal I would love to accomplish in 1 year from now to help my little family move forward to get out of renting and crappy landlord's who cause more harm then good for us. Once I get my own home I could have my very own cam room that will be mine and yours to share for years to come and we all can customize it to our likings 😍 This goal is high for taxes, down payments, insurance, furnishing, ahead in utilities, and make dream bedrooms and play room for my little's 🤗 and of course my dream cam room 😍 Any one who contributes to this goal small or big amounts & we end up accomplishing it you will all get my future content and current content for the next 2 years with 1 personal custom, snap chat for life and 20,000+ single tips will get my personal number to text :) I can also do a transformation video and send it to the 10,000 single tippers 🤗 You all can join in on a poll for customization ideas once everything is settled and done 🤗 Thank you guys :')
May 18, 2020
May 17, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on May 17, 2021.
You can send Riannabella a Share Tip!
The following 1 Album, 1 Item, and 3 Clubs contribute to this Goal: