Thank you so much for all you guys and girls are doing for me! I love all the compliments, emails, messages, and your contributions to my goals! I am getting more and more comfortable each time on camera and cannot wait till I fully relax and in control of my knowledge on how this all works. Now that I have earned enough to buy a ring light, a new webcam, a new microphone, and a new realistic cock toy, I want to upgrade my vibrator and I want the Lovense Lush 2! My girlfriend has told me over and over she wants to control it while I am around my family or at work....and I am starting to melt to that idea. What do you think, would you want to be in control of this toy on me? Highest single tipper will receive a special surprise from me and it involves this toy!
Dec 01, 2020
Dec 11, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 11, 2020.
You can send Ezlyn a Share Tip!
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All 2 Clubs and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 1212 Tokens
Contributor 2 1048 Tokens
Contributor 3 619 Tokens
Contributor 4 600 Tokens
Contributor 5 300 Tokens
Contributor 6 250 Tokens
Contributor 7 20 Tokens